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History at Nine Acres Primary School

At the heart of our History curriculum lies a deep routed understanding of how the past has impacted our present and how it will continue to affect our futures. There is also a strong thread through each year group to the Isle of Wight, linking significant people and their connection to our Island and how it has been a significant place in time across civilizations and empires. 

At Nine Acres, pupils are central to our history curriculum, which is woven around four key themes:


  • Society and Community
  • Exploration and Invasion
  • Power
  • Conflict and Disaster

These themes help pupils understand how past events have shaped their lives today and how they can use historical knowledge to positively influence their future as citizens of the Isle of Wight, Britain, and the global community. Utilising the Isle of Wight’s rich historical environment, along with an array of primary and secondary resources, expert-led workshops, and educational visits, we aim to inspire a passion for history in our pupils.

They begin their historical journey by examining their own experiences to understand changes within living memory, progressing to British history and ancient civilizations. This comprehensive approach equips them with knowledge of Britain’s past and the wider world, while fostering essential historical skills and concepts, including:


  • Chronology
  • Significance
  • Similarities and differences
  • Change and continuity
  • Cause and consequence
  • Evidence and interpretation

The Nine Acres History curriculum aspires to ignite curiosity, encourage critical thinking, and enhance pupils' ability to articulate their learning. This prepares them to advance to secondary education as informed and enthusiastic historians.